Equipment for Personal, Commercial, and Industrial Shrink Wrap

Did you know you could shrink wrap your car? Your boat? Your… Nuclear reactor turbine? It seems like everything can be shrink wrapped. Wherever there’s an object of any size that needs to be protected from the elements, there’s an opportunity to apply this technique for keeping property safe. That’s not to say shrink wrapping is the same for each of these instances, though. Personal, commercial, and industrial shrink wrap require distinct processes and different sets of equipment to get the job done.

How Construction Shrink Wrap Promotes Workplace Safety

No matter what industry you’re in or what service your company provides, nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of the people you work with. The construction industry is an especially dangerous line of work, with the highest number of annual fatal work injuries of any industry sector. With that in mind, workplace safety is particularly important for construction sites, and any method for improving it deserves to be pursued. Construction shrink wrap is just such a method.

Why You Should Shrink Wrap Your Construction Site

Shrink Wrap and Construction is a Great Fit—Drum-Tight, Even! Other people go to the same workplace every day—they sit at the same desk, in the same office, day after day and year after year. But in construction, your workplace is always changing. You go to one site for one project, and then when that’s done your workplace moves somewhere else. …

How Mold Affects You and Your Boat

We all come in contact with mold at some point and in small amounts it generally doesn’t have a very big impact on our health. However, there are many issues that can arise from an overload of mold and mildew build-up. Here are some things to know when it comes to mold on your boat: What Causes Mold on a …